What are the Hazards of Scuba Diving?

Scuba Diving in Phuket

The presence of a combination of several hazards simultaneously is common in diving, and the effect is generally increased risk to the diver, particularly where the occurrence of an incident due to one hazard triggers other hazards with a resulting cascade of incidents. Many diving fatalities are the result of a cascade of incidents overwhelming the diver, who should be able to manage any single reasonably foreseeable incident. Although there are many dangers involved in scuba diving, divers can decrease the risks through proper procedures and appropriate equipment.

Scuba Diving – Everything You Need To Know

Fun Dive in Phuket

At a time when the oceans and seas are sick, where fish swallow plastic, where entire islands of waste are formed, scuba diving is not only a sport, but it is also a form of reconciliation with nature, a possibility of wonder that raises awareness of the strengths and weaknesses of our civilization…Scuba diving ranks 11th in the world for sports.

Things You Can Do When You’re Going on Vacation to Thailand

Scuba Tours Phuket

When you plan on going for a vacation, you usually go somewhere near you. When you live in the city, chances are, you might want to go on a vacation to somewhere sunny and tropical. If there are cities in your country where you can enjoy the beach, then, by all means do so. There could be other places where you can go on a vacation as long as they are within the domestic range. Then again, there are times when you feel like traveling to another country. When you have the time and money to do so, then why wouldn’t you do it?